Belfast 247 Launches Our Search For New Talent

One thing we are very passionate about here at Belfast 247 is giving young people who want to break into the broadcasting industry an opportunity to learn, craft and hone their skills. 

We want to make it accessible to them. In Northern Ireland there are only a small number of opportunities for young people to get broadcast experience and very often it can be difficult for them to get their foot in the door – so we’re launching a number of projects in the coming year to support them. 

Our first project is the Belfast 247 Search For New Talent, we’re giving anyone of any age with particular focus on young people the opportunity to enter a competition which will see them winning a full training package and a weekly show on the station. 

Every month we will ask people to submit their links for a 1-hour show, that show will then be scheduled into the station during the course of the month and at the end of the month whoever has the highest listening figures will be offered the opportunity to have their own show for a minimum of three months. 

Not just that we will also offer the new voice publicity management support and advice, training in how to use the radio playout systems, coaching as a presenter and a range of other production skills. 

To enter all you have to do is email [email protected] for a competition pack.

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