Six Tell-Tale Signs That Your Bed Is Infested With Dust Mites

As we approach summer homeowners are being warned to look out for dust mites in the bedroom.

The bedroom experts at Winstons Beds are warning those suffering from morning coughs and itchy skin that dust mites may be responsible.

Dust mites are minuscule pests attracted to dead skin cells in the bedding and are likely to appear in bedrooms from May onwards.

They thrive in higher temperatures and humidity and their presence can result in dry coughing and uncomfortable itchy skin.

Regular dusting, hot washes and allergen-proof bedding are some of the ways to prevent the critters from appearing.

Rebecca Swain, mattress expert at Winstons Beds, said: “If you notice you’re itching uncontrollably despite having no bite marks, it’s more than likely you’re sharing a bed with a horde of dust mites.

“Now that we are in May and getting closer to Summer, dust mites become more likely.

“While you can’t see the critters without using a microscope, their presence can be known if you’re suffering from a dry cough in the morning and itchy eyes.

“Make sure to put all of the bedding on a 60ºC wash and dust the entire bedroom to reduce the chances of them from spawning.”

Six signs that your bed has dust mites:

  1. Dry cough

If you’re waking up with a sore throat and a dry cough it’s a strong indicator that the bed is infested with dust mites.

  1. Itchy skin

The main symptom of dust mites is itchy skin. The critters feed on dead skin cells in the bed which is why it’s important to regularly wash bedding on a 60ºC cycle to prevent an infestation.

  1. Sneezing

Sleeping on an area of the bed which is infested with critters can stir up allergies and cause sneezing and runny noses.

  1. Difficulty breathing

The allergens caused by dust mites can cause your chest to tighten making it difficult to breathe in the night. Make sure to vacuum the room to remove the critters and excess dust particles.

  1. Red and itchy eyes

The flu-like symptoms can make your eyes water and become itchy when exposed to the pests. Apply a cold cloth over your eyes to ease the symptoms and immediately strip the bedding.

  1. Disrupted sleep

The presence of dust mites can ruin sleep as you’ll likely wake up due to breathing difficulties. It’s worth investing in allergen-proof bedding to allow for a smoother night’s sleep.

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